Sometimes, it can be very hard to give thanks when all hell has broken loose in your life.

Sometimes, you so easily forget all the little blessings in your life because you’re so consumed with all that you are facing in this moment.

Sometimes, you just don’t have it in you to even get the praise or thankfulness out in words.

Even in these moments, we are called to praise Him. This does not mean we completely disregard all that we are walking through, even if it is a storm. However, we are called to praise Him in the storm because we know for certain that He is walking through the storm with us.

Then there are times, where you have nothing but praise and joy coming out from you and there will be times like this, my friend.

There are times when you are living in the moments of the highest highs and there are blessings after blessings being poured out upon you. Even in these moments, we are called to praise Him.

So what do you do? What do you do when you are faced with pain, grief, suffering? What do you do when you are faced with joy, blessings?

I encourage you to read Psalm 86 and Psalm 24. These Psalms encourage me, and set my heart on fire for the Lord in thankfulness. Psalm 24 hits on that everything in this world is the Lord’s – EVERYTHING! He established everything, from the tiny molecules that form water, to the vast creations of the world that take our breath away. How can you not bow down in worship when you understand that we are nothing without the Father? He has the whole world in His hands and is working in His sovereignty. Psalm 86 again, sets my heart on fire to want to deepen my love for Him. In times of feeling so far off, Psalm 86 speaks of aligning our heart with the Father’s and drawing near to Him. His ways are so much greater than our own, and David knows that here in this Psalm. He is asking the Father to teach him His ways, and may we be doing the same.

So again, what do you do? What do you do when you are faced with blessing or pain? Do you go to the Father in response? Do you go to the world to find a solution or satisfaction? I think questions like these are important to ask often, because as sinners and humans we so easily can take our gaze and focus off the Father. We are so easily distracted – that is why David in Psalm 86 talks about having an undivided heart. A heart that is not distracted by the things of this world, but a heart that focuses on the goodness and character of God.

I don’t know where you are at in life right now, but I hope you find it in you to praise Him regardless of what your circumstances may be. I hope you lean into Him if you are in a storm. I hope you seek to know Him deeper if you are full of joy and blessings right now.

Published by

Rachel Lauren

FL // 22 // Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior

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