
The past three years, this blog has been such a blessing in my life and I hope it has been for you as a reader. Three years ago, I decided to create this blog. To express my passion for writing authentically and drawing others near to Jesus. Recently, at the beginning of 2020, I started a podcast [which can be found on all podcast platforms] which has taken off and honestly it’s all for God’s glory. If just one more person comes to know the love that God has for them through this blog or the podcast, then I’m living out my purpose.

I have zero ideas about what my future holds; all I know is that I trust God completely with the next seasons of my life. Right now, I am taking a year off from school to pursue ministry through an apprenticeship in student ministry w/ middle school students at my church here in Jacksonville. This opportunity has been A HUGE blessing, and I have truly met the most God-honoring people through this opportunity. I am super excited to see what the next step is after this apprenticeship is over.

I have so many things that I want to do in regard to podcasting, writing, and ministry… AND I know that the Lord is all over it. If he has brought me to this place, he will not forsake me and he will see me through to the next season of life.

Thank you for your support and all the love by following along with this blog. I pray that this blog has an impact somehow on your life and that you know how much Jesus loves you for you.